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Terms of Use

The Westsider Newspaper (Westsider) welcome contributions to our social media accounts and encourages discussion related to the community we serve. To ensure a safe environment for all members of the community, we ask users to abide by our terms listed and reserve the right to remove, un-tag and/or report any content we deem inappropriate, and/or block individuals from posting should content or tone indicate a lack of respect for our Terms of Use and our community.

Online Community Terms of Use

You understand and agree that the Westsider has ultimate editorial control over all its online services. The Westsider, may edit, remove, or exercise its discretion not to publish your contribution for legal or editorial reasons, or if the content of your post does not align with the Westsider values.

Comments and posts on our social media accounts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Westsider, its employees, or affiliates. The Westsider does not endorse user-posted material and is not responsible for its accuracy.

All materials posted by users must comply with the Terms of Use. The Westsider takes a zero tolerance approach regarding harassment, racial vilification, privacy breaches, contempt, and lateral violence.

In addition, users may not post any material that:

  • is abusive, obscene, threatening, discriminatory, defamatory, or otherwise deemed offensive
  • is unlawful, fraudulent, intentionally false, misleading, or malicious
  • infringes on the intellectual property rights, including copyright
  • infringes on the privacy rights of others, including personal information
  • is repetitive or vexatious
  • is entirely off-topic or not relevant to the original content material posted by us
  • advertises, contains spam, direct soliciting, or any other commercial message not posted by (Masthead/Publisher)
  • impersonates someone else.

When posting, please respect the views of others, the sharing of diverse opinions, and the reasonable expectation for community members to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Also, be aware that our accounts can be accessed by minors and therefore posts and contributions should be suitable for individuals of all ages.

Users who breach these Terms of Service may be blocked from contributing. The Westsider accepts no liability for any loss arising out of or in connection with users being blocked from the Westsider and associated Local Impact organisations.

If you have concerns about inappropriate content on the Westsider site(s), you can alert us via the website or contact

Last updated August 2024