
    Peter Coventry


    Are you a member of a political party, political group, or community advocacy group? (eg; Labor, Liberal, Greens, Socialist, My Place, Angry Victorians, Better West, environment groups, etc)

    Liberal Party member running as an independent (not endorsed).

    What is the most important issue facing your electorate?

    Probably cost of living.

    Should/how can Council support local businesses?

    Reduce red tape, fees and charges. Council should purchase from local business where possible, and generally listen to the concerns of local business.

    Should/how can Council support local creatives and industries?

    Not sure what you mean by “local creatives”? Council can best assist industries (this term is a bit broad) by not “getting in the way”. Various issues, such as planning and environment need to be considered according to individual cases. Many matters to take into account (according to the industry).

    Should/how can Council help alleviate the impact of climate extremes on local communities and ecosystems?

    Councils cannot control “climate extremes”, and should always plan to mitigate local floods and bush/grass fires in their area of responsibility. Efficient waste management must be a priority, and Council needs to encourage business owners and residents to care for the natural environment around them.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate cost of living and homelessness?

    Council must always try to keep rates and charges to a minimum for residents and business. There may be other initiatives in which Council can take part in to allow both residents and business to thrive in the municipality.

    What should Council stop spending money on?

    Overseas junkets and ethno-specific festivals for starters.

    Should the public be allowed to ask live, unscripted questions of councillors during council meetings?


    Can you please provide a short personal statement detailing what your priorities are if elected, and what your vision for your electorate looks like.

    I grew up in Cheltenham and moved to St Albans after getting married in 1988, when I also started my IT business. I have been living in Keilor Lodge for the past 28 years, and we have two adult children. I was involved in the Friends of Taylors Creek, and have been a Council volunteer for more than 25 years.

    My particular interest is in the restoration and preservation of local flora and fauna. I appreciate and enjoy our proximity to local and national parks.

    We were actively involved with Keilor Little Athletics when our children were in their teens, and I understand the importance of sport and recreation for all; particularly children and teens.

    Spaces for girls and women must be protected, and children should not be exposed to sexually explicit material or themes in our libraries.

    I want to see Small Business survive and flourish in a low regulation environment. All community members should feel safe and supported in Brimbank, without undue financial pressures. Council spending must be designed to keep rates and charges to a minimum. If elected, I will endeavour to work with my fellow Councillors for the good of all residents.

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    RMIT Journalism Students
    RMIT Journalism Students

    On your behalf we have asked every candidate who put their hand up to stand in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham the same set of questions that were formulated with the feedback of the Westsider readers.

    Our thanks goes to first year RMIT Journalism students, who helped contact candidates as part of their final assessment in COMM2835, Journalism: Reporting and Writing.

    A big shout out to Dr Josie Vine, a Westsider regular, who coordinated the project and Dr Sharon Smith who so graciously lent us her students and devised the activity as part of their assessment.


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