  • Events

Westside stories

Submit an article

All articles are written by volunteers

Our content is a labour of love, crafted by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about the west.

What content do our community want to read?

We encourage submissions from our community, particularly stories about:

  • your own experiences
  • family history
  • local issues
  • your suburb
  • community events
  • local history
  • human interest stories
  • food
  • the arts
  • environmental matters.

Avoid sending

  • promotional pieces
  • press releases
  • marketing materials for your small business, organisation, or event

These can be advertised with us or covered by one of our volunteer journalists if the event has community impact.

If you have locally relevant activities you’d like us to promote, please get in touch.

Before you submit

Please take a moment to review our writer’s guide for valuable insights on our style and guidelines.

How to submit your story

  • Ensure your text is attached to the email in Word document format (not PDF).
  • Attach any images you’d like to include separately to the email; please don’t embed them within your document.

We appreciate your contributions to our community and look forward to hearing your unique stories and experiences from the west!