


    By Paige 

    Hello my name is Paige a.k.a. CURLYWEST from MAMAWEST! 

    I have been a Westside sister now coming into my fourth year and have just celebrated my first year anniversary with the most incredible team that is MAMAWEST.

    I am a country girl living in Melbourne for 10 years now and I have never felt so at home as I do here in the west. We’re so lucky for all the beautiful diversity, culture, green parks, rivers and bird life. We have a pet friendly and family friendly community who love to get around small business, where you truly find real life treasures. I really value freedom, honestly, kindness, acceptance and vulnerability. All these things above can be taken for granted until you find yourself in a position where they are not available to you and you learn very quickly who’s who in the zoo [as MAMA would say].

    I’ve found my zoo. I know my tribe. My wolf pack grows more and more everyday. I am so grateful and ever so lucky to have become part of a truly supportive network that is my family at MAMAWEST, our local community within the West AND in our gorgeous industry that is looking brighter than ever! 

    Us here in the WILD, WILD, WEST love a good coffee, good food and goddamn good HAIR. As hairdressers we have the privilege and honour to make space for everyone and bring colour and light to our community. We share stories, share creative ideas and share passion for ourselves and our fellow humans. We stand for being your one true authentic self. We will always offer a safe space for our clients to chill, try new exciting things, always leaving feeling alleviated and rejuvenated. This is one of the core values we all share at MAMAWEST. 

    Being unapologetically true to who you are is what I embody! And I do more and more every single day working with the amazing woman that is Sheridan Rose Shaw, founder of MAMAWEST.

    The creative power house who has given us all such a magical place to reside, share, grow learn and have a bloody good time! [Love you mama]

    Love you Westsider! Thank you so much for this opportunity! Keep them coming. 💙


    Curly West.


    Our content is a labour of love, crafted by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about the west. We encourage submissions from our community, particularly stories about your own experiences, family history, local issues, your suburb, community events, local history, human interest stories, food, the arts, and environmental matters. Below are articles created by community contributors. You can find their names in the bylines.

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