
We’ve had a lot to cope with over the last few years and they’ve taken a toll on our collective mental and physical health. There’s no doubt that those two things influence each other. When we feel good mentally we’re more motivated to move, and when we move our bodies everyday our mental health improves. And when we’re feeling great both physically and mentally we also tend to socialise more which makes us even happier and healthier.

But the best part is that our good vibes rub off onto those around us. It’s a ripple effect. The healthier and happier you become, the better world you create around you. Not everyone is able to tackle health issues in the same way of course, so keep an eye and ear out for those around you. Help others when you can (that’s good for your health too), and ask others for help when you need it.

If you’re looking for a great place to start the healthier happier you, head to Werribee for the 2023 NAIDOC Running Festival. There you’ll find community, positivity and fun activity all in the one place! 

Barbara Heggen 

Editor Barbara Heggen
Editor Barbara Heggen
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